Current Student Resources

CSE graduate students will find the following resources indispensable as they progress through their programs. Prospective M.S. and Ph.D. students will also find the CSE Graduate Student Handbook very helpful as it provides detailed information on program requirements, programs of study, thesis related processes, and more. To streamline information based upon degree programs, we have separated sections between CSE Programs and students studying under the School of CSE.


CSE Graduate Programs (All Home Units)

Current Student FAQs

CSE Graduate Student Handbook

CSE Courses and Descriptions

CSE Program Forms

CSE Programs Faculty

Guide to Co-op and Internship Resources for CSE Students

College of Computing Registration Dates and Information


PhD Students in the School of CSE (to include CS, ML, etc.)

Current Student FAQs

CSE Graduate Student Handbook

CSE Courses and Descriptions

CSE Program Forms

Past Qualifying Exams

CS PhD Handbook

CS PhD Program of Study

ML PhD Handbook and Forms

Bioengineering FAQs

Bioinformatics PhD Helpful Links and Forms

Guide to Co-op and Internship Resources for CSE Students

College of Computing Registration Dates and Information

Anonymous Feedback Survey