The School of Computational Science and Engineering houses professors that explore the foundational areas of computing, giving students a solid base of intellectual and experiential preparation to branch into any number of fields, either at the heart of the discipline or in its growing number of subfields.
CSE graduate students work closely with professors and faculty researchers who are defining one of the newest, most exciting disciplines in computing. Since CSE is inherently interdisciplinary, many also work with closely with colleagues spread throughout Georgia Tech’s colleges and schools, working to find solutions in application areas as diverse as national security and social media, environmental sustainability, healthcare, and many others. The goal is to create a new type of scholar, one who quickly synthesizes ideas and principles from disparate areas of science and engineering to arrive at novel approaches. CSE’s unique culture, creative community, and network of opportunities transform students into future leaders.
At the undergraduate level, School of Computational Science and Engineering faculty teach many undergraduate courses, and the School directly manages the Modeling & Simulation thread in the College of Computing’s groundbreaking Threads curriculum for the B.S. in Computer Science degree. This ensures that the Georgia Tech undergraduates in computing are well versed in the latest research and techniques that characterize these foundational subfields of computing.