Students at PhD Reception

Student Life

The CSE Student Experience

Life at the College of Computing isn’t just academic, professional, or social. Life at the College is all of these things and more.

The CSE experience immerses students in our unique ecosystem of innovation. The environment is extremely collaborative, involving a bright group with diverse ways of thinking. Graduate students also work closely with faculty other than one’s own primary advisor, with students and faculty outside of CSE, and with other academic, government and industry partners. The university as a whole and CSE in particular maintain a very high level of research activity, focused on solving society’s most important problems.

A major strength of CSE is that it is highly multidisciplinary, uniquely combining computer science, applied mathematics, and domain sciences, engineering fields, and business. It tackles problems directly motivated by real-world applications, rather than looking inward within any specific discipline. The CSE approach provides students with the flexibility to tailor their program of study to fit individual career objectives. Students develop a deep understanding of fundamental principles across a range of core areas, in a specific computational specialization, and in an area of application.

CSE opens up a world of opportunities for its students, not only at graduation, but also from the moment they step though the door.