Duen Horng Chau



Research Areas:
AI Security, Explainable AI, Visual Analytics, Adversarial Machine Learning, Graph Visualization, Data Mining


Duen Horng Chau is an Associate Professor in the School of Computational Science and Engineering in the College of Computing at Georgia Tech. He co-directs Georgia Tech's MS Analytics program. He is the Director of Industry Relations of The Institute for Data Engineering and Science (IDEaS), and the Associate Director of Corporate Relations of The Center for Machine Learning. His research group bridges machine learning and visualization to synthesize scalable interactive tools for making sense of massive datasets, interpreting complex AI models, and solving real world problems in cybersecurity, human-centered AI, graph visualization and mining, and social good. His Ph.D. in Machine Learning from Carnegie Mellon University won CMU's Computer Science Dissertation Award, Honorable Mention. 

He received awards and grants from NSF, NIH, NASA, DARPA, Intel (Intel Outstanding Researcher), Google, Facebook, NVIDIA, Bosch, Amazon, Microsoft, Cisco, Avast, Symantec, eBay, Yahoo, Fiddler, LexisNexis; Raytheon Faculty Fellowship; Edenfield Faculty Fellowship; Outstanding Junior Faculty Award; The Lester Endowment Award; Symantec fellowship (twice); ACL Best Paper Honorable Mention (2023; IEEE VIS Best Paper Honorable Mention (2022); Best Paper Award at NeurIPS 2021 Research2Clinics Workshop; IEEE VIS Best Poster Award (2021) and Honorable Mentions (twice in 2021; once in 2020); ACM TiiS 2018 Best Paper, Honorable Mention, Best student papers at SDM'14 and KDD'16 (runner-up); Best demo at SIGMOD'17 (runner-up); Chinese CHI'18 Best paper. His research led to open-sourced or deployed technologies by Intel (for ISTC-ARSA: ShapeShifter, SHIELD, ADAGIO, MLsploit), Google (GAN Lab), Facebook (ActiVis), Symantec (Polonium, AESOP protect 120M people from malware), and Atlanta Fire Rescue Department. His work has been covered by popular media: The Wall Street Journal, Wired, MIT Technology Review, Fortune, MSNBC, USA Today, Los Angeles Times, The Washington Post, Engadget, Gizmodo .